For thousands of years the man has learnt to eat with this noble food. The techniques of the modern dairy masters, although they are improved and often industrialized, follow processes coming from the chemical-physical nature of the raw material: the MILK.

let's see them together.


Milk curdling   The milk and its composition    return

a cura di

Romina Vitale

PREPARATION OF MILK: after the milking, the milk must be left to rest at a temperature not inferior to 18°C, with the intent to get the desired  acidity.

For further acidifying, we can add a little of the day before milk or of the whey extracted from the previous manufacture.

HEATING AND CURDLING: after warming the milk, we proceed to the curdling that can be ACID, from milk bacteria, or SWEET from RENNET.The speed of curdling and consequently the stucture of the curd depend on the quantity of rennet added to the milk, on the temperature, on the acidity and on the amount of fat.

BREAKING OF THE CURD: separation of clot from whey that for the tender cheese occurs after about half an hour from curdling (for example the "ROBIOLA"), for the hard cheeses an intermediate phase is necessary.

COOKING: it occurs at a temperature between 45°C and 60°C under agitation, when the desired consistency is we leave it to cool according to the type of cheese, continuing to stir or leaving to sediment.

After half on hour the curd is broken.

FORMING: consists   of making the curd drip and compress it, in suitable moulds (with a compression) for the tender cheeses.

KENCHING: an indispensable process to give taste to the cheese, for the elimination of whey, for the formation of the cheese rind; infact the salt attracts the water of the cheese on the surface and this evaparates in contact with the air.

The quantity of salt to add depends on the microbic flora present in the cheese; this is responsible for the maturing and it is attected by salt.

The kenching may be dry or in pickle.

SEASONING: it may last few hours for the fresh cheese such as the "ROBIOLA ", and accurs at a temperature between 5°C and 15°C, for hard cheese such as Parmesan the seasoning lasts even years, always at a temperature around 18°C. Afterwards there is PACKAGING and DISTRIBUTION.

Finally the cheese is ready for the table!!